These Divine Energies were given to us in mid-October of 2020 when some Divine Friends popped into my meditation and said, “You know, we have an energy to heal “Alzheimer’s and Dementia if you’d like it”. Of course I said “YES!” and they proceeded to download it and we took it for a test drive.
I don’t want to predispose people to any particular experience, but my early experiences with it are that it sends a LOT of energy to the 2 frontal lobes of the brain in the forehead region, and from there the energy often tends to run back along both sides of the head coming together again at the base of the skull and then flowing down the spine to the tailbone area.
The primary purpose of asking for this new Divine Energy was to help restore the memory in those suffering from Alzheimer’s and Dementia. As we continue to use this new energy, we’re finding that it benefits normal people as well and has many other uses. Diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia have taken decades to develop in a person, so I expect it may require some repeated application of the energies to bring about the significant results desired. However, we have seen dramatic improvements in just a few days with some people.
Since originally running the energy, we have found that in addition to just running the Energy in its primary format of “Memory Restore”, we are able to direct it to specific areas or aspects of memory. For instance, we can add qualifiers such as:
- Memory, Restore. (this is the original form of the energy)
- Memory of Higher Self, Restore
- Memory of God, Restore
- Memory of Oneness, Restore
- Memory of Source, Restore
- Memory of Heaven, Restore
- Memory of Divine Love, Restore
- Memory of Unbounded Happiness, Restore
- Memory of Perfect Health (intend All Cells in the body), Restore
- Memory of My Divine Blueprint, Restore
- Memory of Enlightenment, Restore
- Memory of Past Lives, Restore. (although, I would be careful with this one and maybe try)
- Memory of Happiest Past Lives, Restore.
- Memory of Most Important Past Lives, Restore
- Memory of Most Important Future Lives, Restore
- Memory of My Celestial Family, Restore
- Memory of Being a God, Restore
- Memory of My Original Birth into Existence, Restore
- Memory of Pure White Magic, Restore. (Shamanic healing magic is ok, but never do black magic)
- Memory of Having Great Wealth, Restore
- Memory of Everything Most Useful, Restore
- Memory, Restore. (end session with the original instruction for comparison)
- Other variations to consider:
- Memory of How Much We Are Truly Loved, Restore
- Memory of Perfect Night’s Sleep, Restore
- Memory of Atlantis, Restore
- Memory of Lemuria, Restore
- Memory of Creation of Earth/Gaia, Restore
- Memory of Process of Original Creation, Restore
- Etc.
Or, ask Divine Mother to run the Divine Energy of “Total Recall, Restore” (and intend that it comes in on a Need to Know Basis). My experience was that Total Recall also runs in the frontal column of the abdomen, while Memory Restore seems to start more in the frontal lobes of the forehead, then around the sides of the head and down the spine, but this may vary widely by person.
Some of you may wonder about using the word “Repair” instead of “Restore”. My understanding is that “Repair” will work on fixing the memory, but may not restore the lost memories, so one would then have to actively find or recreate those memories; whereas, “Restore” includes fixing the memory and restoring some or most of the lost memories which would be very important to any Alzheimer’s/Dementia patient when recalling names, places, relationships, etc.
At the beginning, I recommend mostly running the basic “Memory Restore” command and let the energy do what is needed, known or unknown, to get the brain back into a healthier condition. Then later start to experiment with the other variations to see how they feel. I especially like “Memory of Perfect Health, Restore”. It makes all the cells in my body plump up with life energy and feel happy.
Divine “Memory, Remove” Energies
We can also use this energy to Remove old memories of pain, suffering, grief, violence, starvation, betrayal, war, etc. However, it is important to state the intention at the beginning that we want to “keep all the truth, knowledge, wisdom, and lessons learned by going through these experiences, and keep any useful details we may want to recall but without the emotional charges which were just removed”; otherwise we might have to repeat the lessons.
To do this, we simply run the Divine Energy of:
- Memory of all Pain, Remove (but keep the positive lessons learned)
- Memory of all Suffering, Remove “
- Memory of all Grief, Remove “
- Memory of all Violence, Remove “
- Memory of all Starvation, Remove “
- Memory of all Betrayal, Remove “
- Etc.
This is a tricky way to use this energy because we can benefit by removing the lingering pain and suffering of past lives, but we want to remember any good and useful lessons and truth that we gained from those experiences. Otherwise, we suffered through them for no benefit. So, use your own discretion on Removing anything, and decide if and how this can work best for you.