Experiences of the Golden Cosmic Heart, Heart of Gold, High Heart with Celestial Vision, Diamond Crystal Activation of Pure Consciousness, Brahmashira Good, Battle Cry.

Experiences of Golden Cosmic Heart, Heart of Gold, High Heart Celestial Vision, Diamond Crystal Activation of Pure Consciousness, Brahmashira Good, Battle Cry


Golden Cosmic Heart:

It was very calming and exceptionally expensive, kept expanding, expanding, expanding in the heart chakra. And absolutely got to the point where there’s so much of this that HAS to be shared.

It was very good, very nice, you’re just invited to surrender, and the energy goes through you. And so, for me 90% of the time it was in the heart chakra. And I saw my chakra opening up and seeing the Universe inside it with all the galaxies rotating.  I was shown with this energy you get a sense of mastery and learning how to master love and joy from everything.  There was this shimmery glow, pink and green substance around the heart chakra, and I was learning how to use it. Then I was shown how it manifests in your life like abundance, joy, and love. I was struck by the beach on the Pacific coast, and the beautiful imagery of yellow, white sand and turquoise water and marine wildlife, and the wildlife just being aligned with these energies. People will be receptive and will see this manifesting in their lives. And it will manifest itself in others as well, just by being with them. And there was this strong sense of happiness for everyone involved. The last part was more active in third eye, and I saw Divine Mother tweaking the last few bits of the attunement, and she was explaining to me how this aligns the chakras.  She told me that the Golden Cosmic Heart helps align the chakras and balance them so that they will express in the best ways possible. The chakra’s expression being optimized, thanks to the Golden Cosmic Heart going through from the heart chakra and spreading up and down through the whole body and the chakras.

Everything turned into gold rays that were just everywhere shining from within the heart outward. So, I’m fascinated and excited that I just got something that can be instantly activated.

High Heart Celestial Vision:

I’d had this experience a few years ago, a couple of times when meditating and seeing how objects and the surroundings can all shimmer like gold. So, I was curious to see what it would be like. It was a bit intense for the body, it took a bit of time. After a while, yes, this golden shimmer appeared just around the outline of the objects in my room. And yeah, this is quite something, and I could feel this force, like this energy guiding me, guiding my focus and where to look, and in my eyes, but at the same time, the whole body. It took a few minutes and just started to appear. And yeah, yeah, it’s quite something. So, thank you, John, for sharing. Yeah,

That was fun. Yeah, a warming sensation at the beginning and just relaxing and yeah, and then I started to get a vision of my younger self just like playing in some shimmery big giant rainbow bubbles.

It was going up by itself and I was following it.  And that was the feeling that there’s a lot to expand with all of that.

I, I, oh god, my heart. My whole heart was pulled all the way up. It was like, taking a leap and it went all the way up to like, maybe above my head, my crown. Okay. And that happened two times. And then after that, I felt like I don’t know, where’s my heart?  What an experience, to feel my entire heart, my physical heart was pulled up?  Yeah, it was dragged up, it was literally dragged up all the way up.

Heart of Gold:

Yeah, I really enjoyed that one. It’s, it’s really, really good. Quite a few things were shown to me. The first image I had was an ice cream cone with two scoops, making that shape of the heart symbol.  There was one vanilla scoop, one chocolate scoop,  and they were just melting and mixing together. I got the sense that your heart just melts when you get infused with this energy. That sense of like, it’s just sweet, it’s just soothing, and anything that’s separate, just goes back to being one.  So there’s that sense of feeling compassion, but it was shown in a way that what was like a sense of like self-acceptance and acceptance of others, and addressing situations with without being judgmental, like the ice cream melting is just there and it’s sweet and joyful. So, it helps you be comfortable with opening your heart, having your heart open and showing your vulnerability and not being afraid of people judging you. So, for the people that have trouble when they consider their wounds of vulnerability, it will make them more comfortable and see that it’s okay, and people accept you the way you are. Yeah, very soothing, and sweet sense of this. It’ll also open people’s mind to see a broader spectrum of how you can see situations in your life or in general.  It’ll help care for the wounds by putting it out there in the open as opposed to keeping them inside and in the darkness.  The wounds need to be in the light. And so, this helps people to be there.  All sorts of colors stirring, and how wide the spectrum gets to be when you get infused with this energy. It’s going to be very helpful for people accepting the parts of themselves they don’t recognize yet, or they deny. And what was shown to me is for men to help them recognize and be proud of their feminine aspects. Because a lot of men, not everyone, but have this coming up in their lives, and they don’t think it’s normal to have this sensitivity. So, this will help them accept this. And I think I’m going to use it a lot. I’m going to have a blast with this energy.

It was peaceful and delightful for me. I could just feel like there was an extra lightness around my heart, but I could feel like something else special around it that felt very nurturing and protective and just feel peaceful. So, it’s very lighthearted, just accepting, you know, yourself and others. So, it was beautiful. And I just made me feel really lighter and relaxed.

Very quickly, it was very lively and moving and feeling very joyful. And then it was saying, Okay, what do you want me to do now? Where do you want me to go? Names were popping up. And the energy was saying, Oh, this will be fun. And then Oh, she’ll be surprised when I arrive. And it just kept going, going, going, and names kept popping up and kept moving here and there and going visiting.

I felt as if my heart disappeared. And there was some expansion in the area.

There’s that sense of intimacy in Heart of Gold, like being hugged by all your loved ones, as opposed to Golden cosmic count that is more universal.

Diamond Crystal Activation of Pure Consciousness:

This one was more intense physically of the attunements, mostly happening around the third eye and the crown chakra, and there is still that sense of protection and being taken care of, to be ready for what was coming.  There was a lot of rewiring that went really deeper into some of my biases and prejudices, or how I see the world, and so there was that sense that some of my wounds would be addressed in the attunement, things that I have trouble letting go of, and being taken care of.  Really going deeper into my inner being, almost like the dark side of the soul.  This energy will help people in general see very clearly in various situations, various environments. There’s that sense of like, almost like bypassing the amygdala, the reptilian part of your brain where you can react that makes you react as opposed to being present and responding to the situations. There is that strong sense of being present and mindful and seeing the situations with more clarity.

I saw a big diamond crystal right in front of me, and then it got smaller and merged into my third eye.

Well, that was fun. I got to experience it like having the experience of a very skillful gardener just going through and pruning off things that weren’t necessary or were interfering. Oh, and as that happened, things got lighter and lighter and lighter and very refined.

Brahmashira Good – overly attunement:

You can feel how massive the energy is. Like an enormous giant.

Where I’m most inspired if I want to make a peaceful loving sacred space real quick. I tend to run the three converted divine weapons just to make a sacred peaceful, loving space. I find I do that a lot. So, this was lovely and expansive.  I wasn’t really thinking about anything just kind of just soaking in it, it’s awesome.

Today day it was way more radiant and glowing than what I usually encounter with it. And there was the sense that it’s Way more powerful than I’ve realized, and I learned about different ways of using it. I think that I need to open up with that and experience more range with it.

The Meeting: (a third energy created where Diamond Crystal touches or meets Brahmashira Good)

There was that sense of like tweaking and adjusting. And so I was told by Divine Mother, you run diamond and then you run Brahmashira Good, and then you’re in the Meeting.  I got the sense that today I’m shown what it does. Throughout the attunement, I was in the ocean, like ocean floor, and so I saw this coral reef, and it was all bland and dormant. Then it started to come back to life again, like all the coral waking up, like coming back to life. And all the colors coming back, and the fishes coming back, and the color of life coming back.  There’s a sense of osmosis with what is within, and working in symbiosis with what is, and it’s just wrapping up what is and just coming to life, and it is very colorful, very bright, like everything working together again, and it’s life. It’s hard to describe, but osmosis, symbiosis, and life.

Gerry was underwater with everything coming to life. I was on land. It was the most glorious sunrise I’ve ever been a part of, and Divine Mother said, By the way, this is what it’s like for me all the time. And it was the theme of new life coming together. It was the qualities of each and having them both together was just amazing.

Battle Cry energy: to call up your teams and armies to come and help, only if really needed.

That was very interesting because I was invited to really relax all my body, arms legs, very, very, very relaxed. And it was very quiet on a physical level, and I saw myself being a bee, part of a hive. And so there is that unity in the hive, but at the same time I have my own individuality. And it’s like, I go out of that hive, and I explore the world, I do my things. I have a mission, and I don’t have to do it all on my own. So, I can ask my buddy bees to come if it’s getting difficult. That was very nice. I was flying and seeing how vast the world is and I can explore it with them as well. So, I am exploring it with them. What stood out the most was really relaxing, almost like doing Chi Gong.

I’m just coasting on stillness and loving the tingles and when my cells get all excited. I’m excited.

It seemed very straightforward. It’s something to have, you know, sort of like a first aid kit on a camping trip. You hope you don’t need it, but it’s there if you do.

(transcription to resume at 1:58:12)

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