Divine Mother’s Planetary Energy Experiences

Divine Mother Planetary Upgrade Experiences

2022-08-13 and 2022-08-17: Experiences for Sun and Mercury:

Sun Attunement:

When we started this, then on the right side of my head I was feeling twitches or tickles over the whole hemisphere. Maybe it was sort of like, smoothing out maybe an issue I had yesterday or that was part of the whole process and gave me a tune for this. And that went away. And then towards the end of it, I felt like I was filled up with a warm glow of yellow light going up my whole being, very warm, almost like very soothing. Wow, I could really get into this and then I heard your alarm go off. Ah, rats. And then for the next part, the very first one some kind of tweaking thing that you did, I felt sensations between my two hemispheres.

This is a big upgrade for me. The sun was right with me. Like there was no separation. I felt like I had some what they call Huna work, Hawaiian, which it looks like a ball, I felt those centers getting changed.  I feel like, I know I’m very ancient, have to say it that way, and I felt like I was getting my whole matrix alight, if you want to call it that was getting upgraded, and being a Capricorn, I’ll say it this way, my knees and I guess my bones they’re working on.  I saw a lot of sacred geometry, whether it was getting opened up or upgraded, you know, I heard something about a new template. I don’t know what that means yet. I have to get into that. And I can still feel the warmth down on my cellular level right now, while I’m talking to you. This is a big change. And I’m gonna take it easy.

At first it was very mild. But it did start to intensify.  It was concentrated in my head; I could then feel it throughout the torso and arms. And I did notice it in the lower parts of the body. I found that it did build and then settle out. Then when you did the three minutes, I could feel another adjustment phase going through.

I was very curious how this would go because I took the Seraphic planetary tool last year.  I remember, the attunement for the Sun was very intense. Overwhelming my body. I felt like grilling to be honest. And it took me like maybe two days to feel better. So, I was a bit wary of this morning’s attunements.  But no, actually it went really well, and very smooth. So, the first 12 minutes happened in two stages.  I had that sense of having some cream all over my body, getting deeper and deeper into the layers of my body in a very comforting way. Not even soothing or peaceful, but just comforting and it felt nice similarly to what Joan I felt.  A lot of things were going on in my crown chakra and heart chakra, somehow, I feel my hands as well like being relied upon for this attunement. The last quarter it started to be more activated in a way, I had these fractals envision that I’ve never seen before. And my body and mind being tweaked pretty much all over the place along the spine. But at the same time, a sense of care and gentleness from Divine Mother as a strong presence from her throughout. And so yes, very different from the attunement a year ago and even the feeling was very different. To me it feels like two different energies in comparison to the solar wash from this Seraphim tool. And then Oh yes, similarly to Gene, I have this very brilliant glowing white yellow being lit in the cosmos and that sense of peace and nurturing. Yeah, that was really good at the end of the 12 minutes. And the second steps. Yeah, at first some tweaking it then again it felt different so yeah, I don’t know what that was but that was different from the actual attunement for the Sun.

It did feel really different from the normal, the previous planetary washes, it was really intense right from the beginning.  It was just coming down into my body. It felt kind of heavy because it was coming in at the maximum concentrated, intense rate, really fast. I feel like there were just so many, like, if you have like a zip file on the computer, there’s just like, so much compacted energy coming in, that I couldn’t really discern like, or what it’s gonna do, like it’ll take time to unpack or integrate. The person that mentioned the skeletal thing, that felt like Yeah, it did really feel like it was physically going into my body. So, the skeletal part made sense when I heard that.  Probably the coolest part was when you said the part about asking Divine Mother to give us the other connections.  I forgot how you worded it, but like any other downloads or things connected to everywhere.  The way you worded it was really cool. I could really see and feel cool, fun things happening with that. That was my favorite part.

As we got three quarters of the way in, I suddenly felt an intensity in my eyes to almost where it hurt. And I thought, well, that’s interesting. My feeling was it was to open up my sight there. Then I felt tremendous warmth in my heart chakra. I just felt like physical warmth and nice.  And then when you ran the second one, I just felt very peaceful. Like suddenly just peace came over me.  I didn’t feel any work. But now I just suddenly felt very peaceful and calm. It was very nice.

When it started, it was very, very soft. And I kept seeing the sun, and all different aspects. You know, you see Sun sunset, you see sunrise, you see really hot days, winter days, I kept having these images flash through of the sun, just all sorts of images of the sun. And then I saw children, different children, like everywhere, different types of children. And I heard Mexico, and then it came in more intense. And then after that, when you’re tweaking it, I had shivers up and down my body. And I could feel them working around my heart. And it’s still working. It’s like there’s an opening happening in my back right now from my spine. So, it’s still working now around the spinal cord. But the shivers were odd because it’s about 94 degrees here right now, and there’s no air conditioning. I have the fan on, the shivers really welcomed me. And it’s still working.

It got very strong, very powerful, and very comfortable, settling into my heart and just it continues to just keep expanding.

I guess it just felt very serene for me. And one of the things is when you were calling on Divine Mother, she was already giving me the downloads. You didn’t even have to initiate it.  As soon as you called on her, I was being downloaded. It was very serene. And then the last three minutes, I felt very compelled to, you know, kind of touch and connect with my spirituality. Almost praying during that last three minutes.

Mercury Attunement:

For me this time, as soon as you started saying bring in Mercury, I had all these tingles and tickles on my cheeks that started in my head and it went throughout the body more mildly, it’s still going on, and it also started to build a pressure within my head.  When I moved in my seat, I noticed this rippling effect all across my shoulders and down my arms. I had the thought come through that it was almost like when you throw a pebble into a pond, and you’d get the ripple effect, and then it would calm back down. So anytime time I shifted, I would get another surge and energy. So that kind of evened out again, as we went through the three-minute tweak and adjustment period.  And then when you did the last minute, add anything else. It was almost like this hand, or a blanket was coming over again, as if it was saying okay, we’re going to even you out, and the pressure has gone away and I’m feeling more even keeled.

Oh My God. I feel like my whole life is gonna change after these two, that’s how I feel.  I usually don’t say that. I really feel like a huge adjustment to what’s coming in on this I call New Earth.  I keep seeing sacred geometry. But I had a lot of work done on my eyes, like the light receptors. And I kept getting the word precepting, precepting, so my perceptions are going to change after this.  Oh My God, I felt I might them tell me by doing the sun with the mercury. The synchronization by doing this sun first has made, well for me personally, a really huge change in their relationship. I feel like it opened me up on a universal level. Because my third eye turned into a like a sun, or a star sun. And I could feel like my communication with others and beings on this planet right now is just going to be different after this. It’s huge. I’m going to have to sit with it. It was a lot and long overdue for the changes to assist. Thank you, I could barely talk.  Thank you really, I didn’t know what to expect today. I just stay open to the different things you bring out.

Mercury was different from the sun. I feel the energy come into my third eye chakra and then circulate around my head, and I feel a little lightheaded and also a little dizzy, and after that it calmed down and came to my throat and chest area. It makes me feel stronger, more alert.

It’s strange, it’s almost like I’m so at peace that nothing can bother me right now.  It felt I’m beyond the ceiling or something.  I just felt totally at peace. Good. And I started feeling like this kind of like buzzing sensation was going on. Like my whole body started vibrating almost uncontrollably. And Wow. That’s, that’s on another level for sure John.

I saw the energy coming in. And I often see sacred geometric shapes inside of sacred geometry. This one I saw shapes. And it was just different. They were very ragged. It was different than what I’ve ever seen before. Usually, there’s patterns and designs. This was more like Rocky Mountain type downsides. But the second part when you did when we ran the second session, I could feel a tingling in the back crown like the cap of my head. And this is bizarre, but I saw a plate kind of like the shape, like a shallow dish, the shape of the solar system, and plums kind of just fell in it and rolled around. And then one or two made me think of planets, and it was over like that. But it was very clear, very fast. It was interesting. And then the last the third I felt excited because it felt like I was anticipating connections for the future. Like it was preparing it. It felt like I was anticipating, and she was creating connections for the next planets coming along. Like I it just seemed intuitive. Like, oh, she’s preparing me. Like it wasn’t for now. It was for the next step.

The only thing I remember was at the end, I saw her positioning Mercury to the Sun, there was a positioning happening. And that was it. I felt the chills again, and then it was positioned. Like it’s not just thrown in there, there are places for each one.

Oh, so this attunement really slowed me down. I really felt my brain just going to this autonomous mode.   Like just running the essential work of running the body, just really going deep but not necessarily tired, just slowing down very, very much. And so similarly to the Solar attunements. I feel like the first two thirds were very quiet. I mean, things were happening, but very quiet overall. And the last third going way more active. energetic and so on a physical level, I have the back of the neck being tuned up, being tweaked in a very strong way, there was this very strong pull from Mercury and on the spine as well and more than astral level. This is what strikes me the most for this attunement, just the third eye throughout the entire attunement. Just like being, I couldn’t find words, tweaked, tuned up, just vibrating throughout, going through all these different colors. Vibrating in different ways. and seeing sacred geometry as well. And it made me wonder, are there specific applications for running these? Because I have this very strong sense to use Mercury for the third eye, and anything related to visions.  So, I’d be curious to know more about this. But yeah, that was quite something.

I saw a light blue color, and then subtle things. But then I had clarity of thought, which is a big thing for me, because I usually have problems with brain chatter, mind chatter, we’re constantly thinking, analyzing, judging, comparing, contrasting, criticizing, and I was trained to be a research scientist.  So, it’s nice not to have that brain chatter, just that clarity of thought. And on top of that, I used to be somewhat telepathic, so a lot of time to pick up when other people are thinking too added on to my brain chatter. So, there’s just this clarity of thought, and it’s just so blissful, and not being bothered. And then I was told I was tweaking my connection to Divine Source. So, Mercury is involved with communication of all kinds, and also our ability to communicate with Divine Source. So, there was tweaking there with Divine Source, and I could see like some straps, and I realized I still have a lot of tweaking to do to have a better connection to Divine Source, that is very rewarding, very pleasant.

It started out with a ring around my head at the level of my temples that was just stretching everything out. And when that opened up, then everything went down to my throat and a lot of rearrangement of energies, energetics all in the throat area. And then things settled into the Sun energy that was anchored in the heart and then everything was very happy with everybody else.

Well, from the beginning to the end I felt electricity on my palms. And I saw the color light yellow, like lemons.

Um, this one was coming in at the maximum rate, like Divine Mother was just using like every second to bring in as much as she could, and it really felt like it could have kept going even beyond the 12 minutes. It felt like there’s still more, but it was really rapid, and you know at times it would flow and kind of tingle, but it was just the speed that I’ve never felt in an attunement like this.

Solar and Mercury Activation after Attunements:

Oh my God, just I wrote that I am the Sun. The Mercury one was very interesting. I felt like they aligned my clear audience. And I it was more than that, down to my higher heart. And I kept seeing gold bars, and I got the image right at the beginning, as I work with the Hathors, and sometimes the Egyptians. Okay, the Egyptian mother, she showed her face. And one of my Galactics was watching what was going on here. So, then I heard a lot of sounds, I was not hearing them as much as I was feeling sounds and sound waves. And the whole back of my, I don’t usually feel the back of my lungs, but I was feeling this expansion everywhere as we were go on up to those levels. It was huge in the back of the lungs. Yeah, a lot of connections there are also sacred, you know, sacred geometry. That’s how they always show it to me, and then it goes away. So, this was quite powerful as usual. Thank you. It’s a lot.

So, for me running the Sun. It came in like lalala, and then you can feel it getting stronger and stronger and stronger. And I went, okay, I’m gonna hang with it, but when I see that guy, you know, that guy flying into the sun, I’m done. So, I got to 25. And it feels like it gets more structured, that you can feel it going inter-dimensionally almost. And then I think they dialed it back to 18 when I got to Optimum. And then Mercury was more intellectual. Like the Sun, it starts, you know, kind of cool, and then you start feeling it getting stronger and stronger and more structured. And then dial back. And then that’s it. That’s how I felt it.

Okay, John, I didn’t know you were going to do the level numbers. So, as soon as we started the Sun, I automatically just went up to 20. Okay, so I’m running that. And then you start doing the numbers, like number one, and there’s no way I’m gonna go back to number one, when I’m already at 20. And I didn’t realize how quiet my mind was at a very deep level. So, when you’re saying the numbers, my mind was like a pool of still water, and each word was sort of like throwing a little pebble in the pond making ripples, so I turned your voice way down, because it was disturbing, and I could hear you.  Then you got to 21 and 22, I felt more energy. And I saw some gold, I was sort of seeing the solar system through the perspective of the Solar Logos. So, I was seeing all the planets, and then we did the optimal max. And I saw the entire galaxy from the perspective of the Solar Logos. And that’s what I had, that kind of expansion with that, but I’m sorry, I turned you off.  I was in such a still state of my mind that I was surprised how deep I was. Then we were doing Mercury, and I just went to optimal max right away. And I found myself riding a ribbon of light, I was like a ball of light which was me that I saw riding the ribbon of light, and I was just following along through them and coming back to myself. That ribbon represents communication, means going out, and that’s what I did, very powerful, very enjoyable.

I think we get a sense of what we can do with them. We can use them for our chakra balancing. Which is surprising to me because I didn’t feel that with Seraphic versions of these washes. Yeah, I just felt the energy running to help me let go what I need to let go. And it just felt good Sin the body, specifically the Throat Chakra, The heart chakra, and with the Sun, it’s really good, very, very helpful energies.  I felt the shift going through the different levels. So, when you say optimal, like right away I felt it is perfect, so I’m just gonna go straight to optimal.  You just feel in your body this is perfect for you and so I’m gonna do that.  It feels like very helpful energies for helping you with chakra balancing and burning your karma. It’s very, very good that I’m taking these classes.

Okay, it felt really good. I felt like I was waking up in a different higher level.

Mercury really felt the best. The solar felt like is like coming in big chunks with each level because it was just so much. So, it felt like chunks of information rather than like flowing like the energy usually does. But the mercury was flowing really nicely.

2022-08-04 Experiences:

Venus Attunement:

There was so much head activation with this green and blue. Really pretty, a little bit of like dark pink, but just this energy coming in so much head, which was unexpected. So that was kind of cool.  I couldn’t tell if there was a Seraph, it felt very much like it was all Divine Mother. I didn’t feel like there was a Seraphic aspect to it, or anything. Yeah, but it was, interestingly, it felt more powerful this way than with the Seraphic energy and then the Divine Mother, it feels more complete this way to me.

Last time it felt very clearly there was a difference in the energies (Seraph and Divine Mother) but this was very strong and very powerful, but it wasn’t overwhelming at all. It had such a really beautiful flow in that space. And this is the first time during a wash I felt I could ask for something to happen. I was like, would you work on this? And which makes sense because I’m looking at the Venus write up that says burning away of impurity. Yeah, there was something there. So, it was interesting.  So, I was kind of feeling like there are these energy points along my spine and the back of my neck, and the energy was just coming together at those points. It felt like at the back of my neck and head those energies were being rebalanced and illuminated. So, I had a lot of light come in, which was really cool.

So that I think is really cool. That piece that you added this time around saying, “Okay, anything else you need”, because I feel like usually when I would usually there comes a point where I feel like zonked. And after I came back this time, I’m feeling very clear and very present, which doesn’t always happen. So, I don’t know if that’s gonna be that way for the rest of these energies, but I find that with the Seraphic stuff, there comes a point where my body’s kind of like, I’m done. But I didn’t feel that this time.

Well, you asked, but that’s the difference. Right? You simply asked Her, is there anything else that needs to come in at this time? And I feel like that really shifts the dynamic because you’re going from okay, you’re receiving this energy, to you’re getting all of the places where you might not be able to integrate, you’re also getting that balancing, it might not be balancing, but you’re getting that fine tuning, fine tuning that I didn’t get before. Yeah.

There’s something to be said also that you asked, and you don’t direct it, you’re not bringing in this energy, you’re like well, Mother will you now bless this person in whatever additional ways are highest and best between you and that soul in this space and time, whatever they need and will make them happiest.

Mars Attunement:

It was really interesting. lots of light, but I felt like I was in the column of light, and it was just like, you know how they show you moving super-fast and everything kind of like trails. I just kind of felt like I was in a column of light like that. So, I was in it the whole time and it’s just swish, swish, like, Okay, I’m cool with this.  Yep, yep. Keep it coming. Yeah, and then I actually asked while we were in there for myself, I was like, if there’s anything else I need in with regards to this. So, you asked but I was like, oh, he can ask, then I can ask. I’ll just ask.

When we started the Mars upgrade, I saw this giant pink flower and it was just shooting out, almost like the Lotus, and it was like shooting out these balls of light. And what I heard was, that’s how planets get made.  I felt like the energy became fuller. It was like the column of light became fuller. And I was really in it, okay, in the center of it. So that was cool.

There’s the big macro, the micro-macro thing. So, in our cells, within the DNA and RNA and all that jazz, there’s this concept of the universe is in our DNA, and it almost feels like it’s just a reactivation of something that we already carry in us. So, it’s like on the cellular level you have this and then we’re our bodies through this energy are remembering what they’re supposed to do and then that’s getting reflected out in the world, almost like this building of mirrors are building up. Remembrance, or balancing of I kind of feel like we forgot, we forgot this is how we’re supposed to be functioning.  Yeah, and it is restoring that connection between the the physicality and everything else.

Wow on the Mars energy. I had the image while receiving it of dirt bikers with flames coming off their wheels, doing tricks on their motorized dirt bikes.  It also seems to have shortened my fuse a bit. Not necessarily in a bad way, but more in the way of bringing to the surfaces things that I would normally swallow and internalize.  The mars energy is not allowing me to do that and is bringing to the forefront my anger over these events. Anyway, seems to be exposing a pattern that is not serving me anymore that I deliberately put in place a long time ago, so a revival of old and unresolved energies coming to the surface, and looking for a new way forward. However, it seems to be burning really hard so, I am going to ask you to turn it down. I am not sure.  When I was receiving Mars energy, the things that came to mind were; auto renew, auto adjust, integration with other modalities, optimization of planetary energies and automatic balances of planetary aspects as the actual planets move in the sky.  I am curious to see how these energies will balance when I receive the rest of the planets. At this time the Mars energy is bringing to the forefront what is out of balance for me more than any of the other planetary energies. So, this will be an interesting ride.  I am going to play with connecting to the planetary deva’s because it felt like they came along with the planets and those themes or essences of the planetary energies belonged to them. Also, working with turning up or down different aspects of planets. Thank you for allowing me to play and participate in this new way. It was a lot of fun, feels very freeing in some way, and now I get to play with something totally new. 

Jupiter Attunement:

That was wild.  Thaaaat was wild! I honestly don’t even know where to start. But the things I’ll start with the asthma, I’ll start with the pearls which are the things that jumped out at me. And that was it feels like the devas are also coming in with the planets. I felt an orbital, So I want to call it an orbital correction. So, my body was a little off kilter, and was preventing me from absorbing the attunement fully. So, when you’re asking is there anything else to add, I felt like Divine Mother gave me an orbital correction. It was a recentering of all of my energies coming into alignment with that. I felt as soon as you started calling her in, I felt this ball of swirling energy around me, which was so cool. And then, I mean, there was so much that happened. But the other thing that was toward the end that really sat with me was that it came into the heart space, because there was this whole thing about the seeding the energy of the universe. The heart is the drum of our bodies and has the biggest electrical field. So, I don’t fully understand it, but there was this awareness that as my heart was beating, it was receiving the energy around me.  It was kind of destroying and creating at the same time. And there was something about how that also happens within this sphere of Jupiter and the planets. I’m not sure quite how that all integrates together, how it fits together. But that was coming into one of them. I mean, there was a lot, but those are the big things that jumped out.

Whoa, that was really, that one, you took the, she took the, you were like, have at it!  And that was like, I could feel the energy come in as you were calling her in, and just the swirling ball. It was wild. It was, that was wild. That was cool.  Oh, you’ve changed the game.

I mean, this is totally different. The energy feels different. It feels different in my body. I’m experiencing it very differently. Much more fully, as opposed to just being so much more centered in the head sphere. So wild.

And now we’re just letting Mom have at it.

I’m so happy you did. So happy you did. I mean, the other thing that kind of jumped out to me was I had this awareness that the Devas were there, and I could feel them of each planet that you could just ask them like, you know, because the planet now feels like planet’s with me. Now it’s in me, I don’t have to do anything extra. But I could say, hey, can you bump up this aspect of generosity? Or can you bump up this aspect of expansiveness?  I’ve never worked with planets like that. I’ve always thought, okay, you take the wash, and you get all of these things, as opposed to now saying, okay, there’s an aspect here that I might want to work with, this one aspect of this planet, and I can just ask for that to be.  We’ll see, who knows, this is brand new, an innocent new rodeo.

Saturn Attunement:

So that was totally different than the last one.  And I saw that there must be nations on Earth that get birthed under the energy of certain planets, because old school China came in.  And I saw these fierce guard dogs that they have, that kind of look like big Dragon dogs. And there was this warrior in full battle gear riding them to Saturn. And then I had this whole experience of these warriors there. They weren’t fighting, but they were training, and they were marching through these fields, into the training center, so much about discipline, and work. And then I noticed that it was kind of on top and it wasn’t like sinking in. So, I just I asked us if there’s anything in the way of me fully receiving this energy, could you move it? And if it’s in service to my soul, you know, can I fully embody this and then I had this experience of wearing the armor. And then when you said if there’s anything else to add, it was really wild, because I saw this evolution of the warrior to putting up their armor and becoming the farmer and working that way. And so, I think it was a personal message for me. You don’t know this about me, but I used to be in the military. I think partially it was this personal message for me of like, okay, you’re done with that, but the same discipline is applied here in this farming and have a relationship with the earth. And then I had this experience of being the farmer, honoring the uniform, lighting my offering to the earth, and then dying. And then having the bugs eat me and feeling like, this is the right relationship to this cycle, there was something about the cycle. So, it was cool, it was really cool.  It was what it was.  I think it was about the relationship being complete.

Well, it’s very different than Jupiter.  Jupiter was just so big and expanding, blissful and everything.  This was a denser energy, it was still very blissful, but very dense. I can’t remember all the specifics, but at the end, when I asked for anything additional, because a lot of the energy was almost like, gray steel. Interesting. Things were kind of structured and made of hard gray steel, you know, like battleship gray steel or something. And then at the end, I said, Okay, is there anything else, and then this warming energy came in and kind of softened everything and made Saturn put a liquid coating on it. It was really warm and soft, but instead of Battleship Gray, it was almost like a light barbecue sauce or something, a little bit reddish, but sweet.

There’s something really important about that piece you ask for at the end. Okay, is there anything else that this needs in order to come into fullness, because it almost like, and this is what I experienced before when we were doing the Seraph and then the Divine Mother, it’s like, she brings the entirety, it’s full, it’s like all of the aspects. It’s not just this one aspect, she brings the rest of it, right, because you had battleship gray and that hardness and then she brought in the sauce. The sauce, the sauce just softened everything. It was kind of like a flowing, thick, liquid, sweet, barbeque sauce that softened everything.

Well, washes, I feel like the washes are out the window now.  Yeah. I don’t even feel like that’s relevant anymore.  That’s old school. Yeah.  There’s going to be a lot of ruffling of feathers with these new energies, but I feel like there is no other way for them to come out, but to be allowed to fully embody in us.

Uranus – will add soon

Neptune – will add soon

Pluto – will add soon

2022-09-10 Earth and Moon energies:


I found this one to be very mild, very subtle, very gentle, calming, and peaceful kind of thing. For the whole segment of the 12 minutes, when we went into the first three-minute section of fixing, I’d gotten tingles all over my arms and upper my shoulders and upper back. And by the end of the three minutes, the eye I it was almost like, very gentle mode, lights were flickering, from behind the scenes and had gone into then the second set of three minutes. And after that had settled, it ended for me with some gentle clouds of blue and purples and whatnot. Somehow that was very nice. Thank you.

This is Grace. Yeah, it started out was upon the crown of the, the crown chakra on the right side. And there was a lot of it was almost like somebody was pulling layers, you know, and checking and doing layers. And then it was more on the right side, because I could feel the energy coming in. And then we see front right side, though, was the hands, the hands. And then the next three minutes. It was the digestive system, the whole digestive system, the intestines, the heart, and all that stuff. And then I heard this would help with financial abundance, you know, because he’s kind of more grounded into the earth and stuff. And then when we did the back, it was, it was well, one to three minutes. I saw like, on my back there was like, you know, a constellation opening up, and I saw that they were making connections. And that was it.

Moon – will add soon

Maldek – will add soon

Navaratna – will add soon

Planetary Belts – will add soon

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