Golden Rain of Divine Wealth Experiences

Golden Rain of Manifesting Divine Wealth and Prosperity et al:


2022-12-03 Class Experiences:

Golden Rain of Divine Wealth attunement:

So, with the anchoring I had first a gold disc come from the top of my head all the way down to about 12 inches below my feet. And then a second gold disc came down to my root chakra. Then it continued with the next to my sacral, and then it went up to all my chakras. And then the last gold disc was about 12 inches above my head in my soul star. And then there was a gold light that was connecting all of it with the anchoring and then with the last energy, the Golden Rain just started like gold sparkling kind of going through my body and it just got heavier and heavier. And then before it was all done, I was completely immersed in really gold sparkling light, and it felt very happy. I felt excited, like it was really joyous energy, it was really, really, beautiful. So, thank you.

When we were running that today, it’s just like my whole chest just lights up and all this warm golden energy is just glowing. And you know, I could just sit there for very long, and so if you’ve had anything that blocks that, it will work to remove that and correct it and repair it.

The energies were at times intense, and very strong. And at one point, I was in the depths of the ocean and then at another point I was floating and seeing the horizon of space, that was absolutely a great ride.  At one point I was even holding on to like handlebars as if I was on a roller coaster, and they’re like, it’s okay. And it was like initially when you get a roller coaster and then all of a sudden it was just pure fun. Great ride. Thank you.

The anchor energy brought me back is something that happened December when I was a recruit in the Coast Guard.  They took us out. I don’t even know why I haven’t thought about this in years. But they took us out as a bunch of a little boat out the outlet. And the wave started getting higher and higher and higher.  And it was snowing, and it started snowing harder, and harder, and harder. And they dropped anchor. And I was extremely excited. I was very happy. They were like, you know what, this is great. And I haven’t thought about that in years. So then during the Wealth energy, Divine Mother seemed to be sitting on the dock next to me and said that was great, wasn’t it.  All this energy in my back, and she just showed me all these happy moments I’ve had in my life. So, it was really great. I really loved it.

I just felt like it was rain, it was like going over me, but inside of me, and touched every cell in my body, from my head to my toes. It just kept going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going, and going. So, so beautiful.  thank you so much.

I felt a profound sense of being supported. It was if that anchor was there, and it didn’t matter what was going to happen, I was able to tune into that. Also one of the thoughts that came in was that this energy is so necessary and I’m so grateful for Divine Mother for bringing in it now because there’s so many people that are in such lack and so fearful that this will smooth it out, stop some of the fighting the arguing. Great energy, I liked it a lot.

Yeah, very supportive energy for bringing Heaven on Earth now. So, John, I’m ready to do a commercial for you for your classes, like Embody Heaven on Earth. I mean, even just like the combination of Fountain of Youth, Perfect Immunity and Embody Heaven on Earth. How can your body not rejuvenate and start healing.  It’s even surprising me. It’s amazing.

Oh, this was really nice and gentle energies. And I had some insight while I got the accessory for the Navaratna. So that was great.

Thank you very much for the Worthiness and Acceptance, I thought those are really topical for me.  I felt a lot of energy with those, ultimately, on my left side rising, that was beautiful. With the Anchor, I did feel the weight and intensity of that and it was really beautiful. With the Golden Rain it was extremely intense. I’m not sure if I had a resistance that I was working through with all the energies, I felt like I was having a lot of work done on me, versus just expansive, opening energy. Thank you very much.

It was very heavy in the beginning.  I felt like there was some work being done and a little bit of resistance. But then halfway through, beautiful energy just poured down on me, from the top down, and it was beautiful from there on. 

I actually saw pillars being built. And then on top of that, there was a bridge that was being built. And at the end of the bridge, I saw light.  So they’re making the connections between where we want it to come from and coming down in.

Everything was vibrational. At one point, from the knees down, I felt like somebody was touching my legs and I itched it I even looked to see if there was bug or something, very light below the knees, which is where I do have some arthritis problems. It came in very, very strong. I made the statement, I opened my heart to receive this energy from Divine Mother and boy, I think she walked through me. She just went whoosh, okay, thanks for being here. Everything was feeling like I had a lot of vibration, and then it literally just smoothed out. And I just floated, like when you’re a kid, you float on your back in the pool, and you just lay there and float. So, I was just floating until you told us come back.

The purity of the Divine Wealth and Prosperity Energy was such a contrast to earthly wealth and prosperity. And I’m very interested to see how this is gonna play out now.

Divine Wealth of the Gods attunement

So, for me this was a different feeling from the last one, there was no resistance it was just a loving flowing energy, and Divine Mother reminding me that this energy is always here, and that I just have to remember who I am to access that memory and tap into it. So, it was just a loving flowing energy that she’s saying is always here with me.

I felt the infinite abundant blessings that just flowed through, and it was more than just about money, just wealth. Just have peace of mind or, you know, feeling good in one’s heart and confident and worthy and just living heaven on earth. That infinite flow of abundance and to share it, and it’s very exciting. It was lovely. Thank you.

I felt the energy came through very heavily down the front. And there was a lot of movement and activity going on down the front, just to my knees. It did go in the back, and it felt very masculine. I don’t know why, and I got the image of the Emperor card in the tarot.

We started and the energies began to seem like mosaics. And then I heard them come in and say, you have only experienced a tiny fraction of the gifts that we have to share with you. And then I saw the Incredible Hulk, and he was breaking out of like a straitjacket. And the things were unlocked individually. And, and they said you have been locked up. And then they showed me all kinds of new materials, new metals. I’ve always been interested in hemp as a renewable source rather than some of the other things that we’re using. And there’s new metals, renewable energies, food sources, ways to clean our water. So, I was really excited about this.

The first thing that happened was I had this amazing uplift of energy that came up from my solar plexus, as if I was a sail. It was like just filling and filling with wind, with energy, air and lifting, lifting. And that went on until it’s basically a round shape. Then it went to more of a rectangular shape. And I thought, wow, that’s interesting it’s much flatter and more vertical. I also had that feeling of a masculine energy. And I thought, is this a door? Am I to go through this, what am I to do, so I just let go, and I got sucked into this other space, and was completely floating, beautiful, just not attached to anything, just in a mist. And then my body went from concave to convex shape. And that completely opened into absolute beauty, nothing, and it rose as a light and came and was touching me here on the head. And I started to be thankful I was experiencing this gratitude. But then I was told this gratitude is separating you. You need to become this. Because instead of just being within it was a separation. And the message was you are all of this. So, then it became very grounded, and I felt seated. So maybe on a throne, maybe on a big chair, just very, very masculine, very grounded, very squared off from this amorphous feeling. And that ultimately became kind of horizontal. They’re not strictly geometries, but just the feeling of a plane, plane meaning not wall, but just space, it was beautiful. Thank you.

Yes, I felt an overall sense of peace and groundedness in the beginning and then I saw a rectangular gold frame bed. I was told to lay down on the bed, and the gold frame became activated, and energies came into me. Then I saw myself on a wooden deck doing tai chi. And then I saw myself out in vast, vast, vast fields surrounded with a lot of beautiful green trees and grass and other plants, and an owl on my left shoulder, and an eagle is in front of me, and I was feeding the eagle. And I was happy, they were happy. It’s like everything just came together this being the simple, and then I saw myself in my house wearing all white and I was still doing Tai Chi movements for some reason all throughout the house. And then it says you are whole, you are complete, you are there.

This is the real currency of the universe and something that just keeps flowing and moving and not held on to.

At first, I saw a ball of light, bright as a sun come into my heart chakra and spread all around me. Then it turned all gold. But then I got extreme amount of pressure in my head, and I heard Mother Divine saying that they were changing the cellular dynamics of my brain. Because I always thought I deserved abundance, but I must have subconsciously had some blocks or something. So, they were like healing and changing my brain thought. And so, it’s just a lot of pressure. But it was all gold. But it was actually very interesting. Kind of like, Oh, okay. That’s cool.

I don’t have a lot to add. I can only say that I went up a tube of light to like, another dimension. And that was the last thing I remembered.

The energies were very beautiful.  I did experience some a very, very large swirling kind of energy in the space. Not really sure what that was. I think I’m still integrating. But the energies are beautiful. As always. Thank you.

Cornucopia Attunement:

For me, it started off like I was being shown climbing these mountains and then just being at the top of a mountain and being told, you know, nothing’s impossible. You can climb any mountain you want. And then it went into like this state of just connected with divine energy. It was amazing. And whenever I feel this energy, there’s such there’s no need for anything. It’s like you just feel like you have everything you could ever possibly need and there’s like no need for anything materialistic or anything. And I just stayed in that energy for such a long time. It was really amazing.

Oh my gosh, she put it so perfectly because I can barely talk right now. Yeah, the connectedness and just such peace that yeah, I was starting to fall asleep. So, I just feel so relaxed right now. Thank you.

Okay, so for me, this one felt like there was some resistance and work being done, that really wasn’t completed. It was an unfamiliar energy that I was feeling, and I didn’t know what it was.  There was a lot of resistance towards the energy, towards receiving the energy. It’s like it’s stemming from an ancestral feeling of poverty around all that, and the energy was just not familiar at all.

It was interesting. Have you ever been in a pool where the water is up to your nose, so you see the line of the water with your eyes.  I was standing in the water and a bright sun came down. And then the sun and I both went underneath the water. And it was blue and beautiful. And then gold waves came and I heard earthly abundance. And the next I know I was pulled out of the water into a bright, bright light. And then I heard spiritual abundance, which was way better than the earthly abundance. And then I said to Divine Mother, can I have both? So next thing I knew I was standing on top of the water and all these quartz crystals were growing up out of the water all around me. And I just heard there was abundance for everybody. There was unlimited abundance, and it’s there for anyone who wants it.

It was like a frequency, but it was coming from my body. Like the pulsating when you can hear your heartbeat and stuff, but you hear it in your ears. It was like that. So, I felt it coming out of my ears, and it felt really nice and peaceful. And there was no pain, and it was more like a fuzzy feeling. That was really nice.

The first two energies were very celestial, and Cornucopia was bringing those energies into our realm to transform and raise up how we have been operating with wealth and prosperity.

This was strange for me. Not that I’m unfamiliar with the energy but it started up like in an aquarium and there’s a bubble tube that’s filtering the water and that bubbles are coming up vertically.  It was coming up like that in my body and actively rising up from my root chakra all the way up through my head. But then it was quite physical experience, like a lot of physicality. I was having a lot of motion.

I feel fantastic. That’s all I can say. I feel so great. I feel so grounded. I feel so wonderful. I feel so complete. I feel so whole, I just feel great. I just feel wonderful. I just want to thank you.

I was kind of holding off because I hoped somebody else had a similar experience.  I think I just walked into a cartoon strip or something because all of a sudden, I was just standing at the entrance of this huge Cornucopia. It was as big as a house. So, I willingly walked in, and I started moving fruit and produce and leaves and whatever, out of my path, and I could never seem to get to the end of it. And then I just started asking questions. Is there a door here anywhere? And I’m like looking and looking. And I did get an answer saying, “what is it that you want?” So, I gave him my list, my laundry list. But no answer. No confirmation? No, like, okay, do this. Okay, yes, we understand. No, Then I got to thinking, do I need a new list, but there’s nothing on this wish list it’s going to happen. So, I was still wandering around looking for answers, looking for an opening portal door or something. But I was just inside of a large cornucopia.

Divine Funnel Attunement:

Okay, so yeah, this definitely wasn’t an energy for me. It was more of a process. So, it started out with visuals, it was a visual process for me of a waterslide, not at an amusement park. So, not the huge one, the medium size where it starts out with the water going down the water slide and it was like a spiral. It was asked an enclosed one, and then being released into the water, which at first I just didn’t understand, and then Divine Mother just kept running that. Then she explained to me the process. So, she’s with me at the top of the slide, encouraging me to let go, go down the water slide because that’s the process of life. Just let go and let things be. And then you will come into abundance, which is symbolic by me falling into the water, the abundance of water at the end of the slide. Right. So, it was just a process for me.

So, I saw a funnel, and it was almost the same feeling of a slide. And it was all lit with red and I was moving down. And it took me about to the middle of the slide to realize Red = Base chakra. Then as I’m moving through this funnel, I kept having experiences that I’d had throughout my life, they were just coming up. And then I got to a point where I felt the Divine Mother was saying to me, “Okay, now we’re gonna look at the things that you don’t want to look at”. And there were some things that were kind of tough earlier in my childhood, and we were just reviewing those. And at that point, it was very, very good for me because I don’t like to look at such things.

I felt with this one. It was definitely like a funnel. I felt an opening in the crown area and stuff pouring through. It was really peaceful, super peaceful.  I was getting all these different ideas of the things that I’ve been working on. I can’t explain it because it was just ideas or feelings. It was definitely a different energy. It was really, really beautiful. I really like that one.

Yeah, it came in like a funnel. I could feel a deepening of the energies underneath the armpits, they just kind of opened up there. And that was it. You’re right, it wasn’t anything flashy, but it was solid. The funnel kept turning into tornado. I don’t think it’s supposed to be a tornado, but I let it go.  It didn’t look bad. It was just, I don’t think he meant funnel cloud. I just think it was taking energy and pouring it in to something.

I was not in the funnel and coming down, I was at the bottom, and it was a transducer. So, it took all that energy that was up in the ethers and brought it down so that they could focus it and direct it, but my funnel had a tap on it. So, I could turn it off and on.

I just received so much energy that I’m almost stuttering since I’m still so full of this energy. It started as just a whole series of paradoxes. In that it started as a warm blanket made of snow. Then it became the feeling of a blanket of or the weight of hot fudge, like something very heavy, syrupy, turning to honey. And then it rose up and became something like a Lucite box where I could see the connections, how is built and that was within this, and everything became quite transparent. So I went from a glistening warm snowy softness, to standing in this energy, and I thought that I could dissolve this box. And it became translucent and just wiped, and went just into nothing, then it became an orb which sat in my lap. And that just kept expanding into this amazing, beautiful, beautiful energy. So, it feels like I got flip flopped, or something with the Cornucopia where you’re saying this one is a process.  I’m glad someone asked about Cornucopia versus this one. I can understand the abundance. But this was more, or maybe something else came in at the same time. It’s just really beautiful, and very, very cool.

It’s been very interesting experiencing these celestial energies coming deeper, deeper, deeper into physicality, and worldliness.

I was underwater again, and I looked up and I could see a bright light. And next thing I know is in a center of a Crystal Globe, and a cloth kind of came down from heaven and pulled me up out of the water and then released me.  Then the globe kind of opened up and I walked out and I could see like a tunnel of a white light. So, I walked towards the tunnel, and I went to the white light. Then I heard the message is, you have to believe, or have faith and believe that everything’s going to be okay, that everyone deserves abundance. That is like basically what I heard from Mother Devine to tell everyone, it’s, it’s not just about spiritual abundance or earthly abundance, it’s also about having faith and having that true essence or spirit inside you that you deserve to have abundance. And to believe that you have abundance. So, it was kind of weird. It was like more of a message that we’re all worthy and to be like a kid at Christmas time, you have that excitement that all these things are gonna happen. You’re all excited. That’s kind of what we have to have in our hearts all year round. To bring the abundance fourth, you have to really believe in yourself and then have trust and faith in God to bring it to you, is what I got.

Midas Touch Attunement:

During the meditation, I felt instructed to put my hands together and all of a sudden, I saw wings. I was told to put my hands together like this and bring them up. And my hands got really, really, really hot. I mean, burning hot. And then all of a sudden there was this energy that was like a circuit going around from my hands up around the heart and it was going really, really fast. And then they said, Stop and shake my hands, and it felt like this whole area got cleaned out.  So, the hands were burning, they were burning. I mean, they were like getting to the point where it was getting uncomfortable. Thank you.

I could feel it at the beginning just flowing and vibrating through all my cells, like waving back and forth. Then all of a sudden, I was doing my favorite thing, and just emanating super, super bright light out, just radiating in every direction. And golden light of course, so it was really awesome. Thank you.

So, for me, I kept having this vision of these mirror triangles put together in a sphere, cool shape. And I kept seeing them and seeing them, and I just had to like, let it go, because I wasn’t sure what was what it was, but they just kept showing up. And then all of a sudden, I was being told that all the dreams and my life purpose, the thing that I feel that I’m supposed to be doing while I’m here is helping other people, they said now with this energy, I’m going to reach more and more people with my help that I want to that I want to help people. So, it was a really nice message.

So, I felt the same thing with the frequencies and the vibrations in my ears. But I definitely felt it coming in from the left side. And then at the end really working on my back spine area, it’s really nice. A whole vibration thing in my ears. And it was really nice. I like that. Thank you.

I was starting to see a lot of snow, like really beautiful, sparkly snow and I know snow represents purity and purity in thought and emotion. Then Mother Divine told me that to manifest, you have to have purity in your intentions.  Coming from your heart Chakra, send your intentions out. So, I just felt extremely lucky. I just felt really good. And I thought, Man, I felt like I need to go buy a Powerball ticket today. I felt really lucky.

For me, all of today has been experiencing these celestial energies coming down, down, down into this Earthly level, and Midas Touch was now the expression out into Earth of all these energies.

I actually saw a golden Being, a golden somebody, a man maybe? It came down and down, and then I got a really nice hug. It was very interesting, and I said thank you, I don’t understand. That was great. That was fun. Thank you.

So, for me, this was beautiful energy, just a flow of loving energy. That’s all it was for me.

I had a lot of beautiful loving energy too, and ultimately it started feeling really kind of heavy, just weighted, like it did on the front end of all these attunements.  My posture is very vertical, but this became very, very grounded, very seated. And ultimately, the message that was repeating was “effortless flow, effortless flow”.

Divine Mother’s Blessings attunement:

So, for me again, this was a loving flowing energy. And just a reminder from Divine Mother that she’s always here with me and that I can access this energy, just ask and it’s there. So, it’s just a loving peaceful energy.

So, I felt my hands got really hot, and it’s just this really nice loving energy. So, I felt guided to put my hands on my eyes. And I felt all this pressure release behind my eyes, and my back wasn’t hurting anymore.  It was nice being overwhelmed and wrapped in this peaceful, loving energy. It’s really nice.

I felt tensions leaving my body and then I found myself laying down on this white upholstered table and it seemed like I was receiving energy. And then after a little while I was almost in this Star Trek cylinder tube, and I was just floating in the middle receiving some kind of healing.

It was a booster; you can boost anything you’re doing with that.

I just felt different energies all throughout the body were like pulling everything together. You know, finish up, and you’re just pulling everything together afterwards.

Now Run All these Six Divine Energies in sequence:

I feel just wonderful. My chakras were worked on also.  I looked at the ceiling and I saw  a solar plexus come up the yellow and I just feel awesome. Yellin awesome! I can see why other people don’t want to talk afterwards because it’s difficult to talk John. Sometimes it is very difficult to let words come out of your mouth when you’re that deep.

I’m filled with profound feelings of Bliss, Peace, and yet excitement to see these energies integrate and to see what happens.

I’m feeling very completely relaxed and blissed out.  There were three words, I’m feeling very blessed, supported, and throughout the all the energies very balanced. I feel very balanced, much more than I was when I came into the class.

I found the energies kept running. They were in short bursts of what the activations were. And at the end, there was a bunch of energy around the crown chakra. Very nice.

I feel very balanced, like everything came into alignment. Very, very peaceful. It was really beautiful.

Very blissful. So, thank you. I was just using the word recipes the other day.  When we use these combinations, when we take several classes and keep evolving our gifts, and gaining or remembering and all that and upgrades, everything is just such amazing orchestration. And like a masterful chef at this point, like just with all these infinite possibility creations and recipes that I’m just seeing the most awesome things. So I’m just so grateful to serve Divine Mother energies, because, wow. I mean, if I’m like wow after 30 years, that’s saying something, you know?  It just so intuitively comes. I’m working these daily all day, every day. So, it just comes so naturally, easily, gracefully, but like little recipes for all these different things. It’s awesome.

I am going to ditto Andy’s comment about feeling exceptional, with no words to go along with it.

I resonate with everybody who said they are in a state of bliss.  After an hour or so it’s like my consciousness went somewhere else.

Yeah, just a lot of different blockages and things got cleared out because I started the class with a migraine and so like a lot of that stuff was getting like worked out and cleared out. It just ended in the most like blissful way with that final energy. Really no words to describe the way that it ended with that, with mother’s blessings. Yeah, it was just like the perfect ending to the whole class. Thank you very much.

Feel pretty great. Definitely have bliss brain like everyone else. But very, very beautiful. I also got a lot of stuff releasing from my brain. Which makes sense to me.

To be honest with you. I feel extremely tired. My head feels really heavy, but I saw a lot of gold and rainbow colors. It’s all coming together. So, it was really beautiful and really nice. I really appreciate it. Thank you.

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