2023-05-27 Divine Presence & Ritam Class
I already took the class. And I’ll tell you, it has only enhanced peace and harmony in my life. And not that I’m not experiencing challenges or see myself fixed, you know, I have the same patterns, but from a different perspective. And the peace, I had questions too, but I mean, the peace, I just can’t describe it, but after you take it, you’ll understand. It’s been so peaceful for me, and transcendental that it’s even beyond Bliss.
I think it’s difficult to describe and I think a lot will unfold still in the next few minutes and hours, so I’m just going to stick to the experience itself. It was very, very, deep and there was a sense of freedom, but freedom from the beliefs that I have, and those are going to be broken down in the sense of an illusion falling down. Yeah. That’s the best way I can describe it, and then again, it’s gonna take me some time to integrate, it’s very, very, deep. During the attunement, a lot of work in the third eye on all levels and the head. It was kind of physical but very subtle at the same time. Just very, very, deep. Yeah, like gentleness but at the same time going very, very, deep.
I felt a lot of opening with the Three in One, and then when the Glory attunement was done then there was space for more healing energy to come in and fill that space in. Then the Ritam was very deep, and so peaceful.
I had a shock with clean clearing. Ritam started off and came in very gently. It came into my body and came down, then it was very physical. It was coming up my chakras and a lot of activity to my feet. And I guess the throat is the truth chakra, and it worked principally there for me, my throat had blockages and eventually worked through that, but that took most of the time. And thank you so much for running Anchor, because it’s just so amped when you run it for everybody, versus when I’d run it for myself, and that really opened up a lot of other energy coming in through my crown chakra, and, and my throat is still opening. So, I’m going to really grow with this. Thank you very much.
I’m retaking it, but it was very smooth, quiet, and peaceful. I remember last time I felt it very physically and all the cells and space in between them, but this time it’s just really quiet and smooth, and really nice.
So, when it comes to the attunement itself, it was more intense than the first bout, and just goes so deep, it’s, it’s very different from Three in One or Glory. It’s really difficult to articulate, it’s really about the perception of the experience itself. Existence. There’s just no word. And it’s not just the attunement, there’s going to be some integration to take. It’s very, very deep. And it’s really good.
I understand why we need all three to get to this point because I wish I had Ritam for a whole week before we got into Divine Presence. It opened me to experience and receive true Wholeness and Surrender. This week I’ve been having a lot of energetic downloads or something coming in, but not with information. It’s just a lot of energy. As a result, my body felt like the fringe of my body was dissolving. But with this energy, which was really beautiful, is It was a feeling of expansiveness, but contained inward rather than that kind of blur of losing my boundary outward. So, really beautiful. Thank you. And it came in really heavily on the left, and then eventually made its way through the right. So that’s why I was hearing Surrender because I feel like my right was just resistant or something I don’t know. But then made it this kind of full circle before it became this sort of wrap around me. Thanks.
This attunement was really physical for me. It was moving up the chakras and ended up in the heart.
I was kind of surprised, I did feel a whole lot of energy flowing throughout the body on this one. At one point, it had the energies flowing through the body. And then it went into nothingness, and then I felt something within my body again, it brought me back out, paying attention to how the energy was flowing. And then I went back into nothingness again. And then it was kind of in and out, in and out. It wasn’t super soft or super gentle, but it wasn’t harsh either. It was just there. So, thank you.
For me, I feel stillness. I don’t know how to describe it. So, I tried to witness awareness.
I could feel that coming through my body, you know, from head down to my toes. But the stillness and deep expansiveness is really, really cool. I mean, very gentle, very peaceful. Very soothing.
I want to tell you that I may not comment and let the Kundalini do what it normally does with me. It was like, it was like a huge light. It wasn’t bright light. But it was a huge light around me. It was like I was separating from my body. And not totally, but it was just so beyond awesome. I can’t even describe it. Totally. But I love going that deep and letting the energies go as deep as they want to go. And that’s why I asked because last night I heard that I should just ride it out with the energies and see that feeling. And I’m grateful for that. Thank you.
Running Three in One, Glory, Ritam, and Divine Presence together
I feel great. I feel freaking fantastic. I feel like I’m on fire alert. Aware. Expanded. I feel totally awesome. I feel great. I thought I was gonna feel all peaceful and calm no, it’s a fire there. I love it. I love it. Oh my god. I couldn’t wait to tell you this. Yeah, I was surprised that I felt that way. Because normally I’m like peaceful and calm. But not now. I’m like, wow. Oh, thank you Divine Mother and her teams, I really appreciate this energy. I’m going places with this one, I’m going.
Yes, that was very interesting for sure. Typically, with Three in One, I’ve always had a pretty strong sense of energy throughout the body, especially through the arms to the point where they’re even kind of a burning sensation. And this time, they were very smooth and easygoing, I had soft, fluttering lights. They were much more comfortable, I must say. And then Glory was soft and flowy, purply type spots and clouds. And a few times I saw the impression of what I’m feeling was Jesus’s face. And every now and then there were white sparkles coming out of the middle of his eye, and another face would come up and another sparkle, and so that was interesting. And then with Ritam I had my face tingle, pretty much all over the face. When we went into divine presence, I could feel soft energies and then I went into it a deepness. To a nice deepness. I don’t know, it wasn’t that I was necessarily thinking for sure. But in one of these, maybe it was Ritam. It just felt like I would get snippets of traveling or something. And it just seemed to all flow together with Divine Presence. All in all, though, it was a very interesting experience. So, thank you John and Divine Mother and all her accomplices.
At one point, I was thinking awesome, in terms of like, filled with Awe. As these energies were so strong. And I could tell they were really deep because every 10 minutes that went by, I was surprised. I had no way of gauging time, and we went places. I feel like a weight has been taken off my shoulders, I feel expanded, I feel lighter. This is amazing.
Hi, John. Thank you. Thank you, Divine Mother. I think what I really needed was a lot of grounding because the energies I’ve received before have been so like getting big, they’re just so big, and it’s this period of where I felt the edges were blurring. So, what was interesting to me is the Divine Presence became very grounded. The overlays on the first two energies, on Three in One and Glory felt very different for me this round, much more grounded. So, the expansiveness just kept going out and out, and this boundlessness was a grounded boundlessness, already contained. Thank you.
After almost a month running 3 in 1, Glory, Ritam Bhara Pragya, and Divine Presence, I come with more feedback. So, it’s still difficult to find words to describe it. I find words can’t encapsulate what it is. May I dare say you rapidly grow spiritually in running the energies? It’s very different from all the other energies. It’s more profound, but it doesn’t do justice to the other energies you’ve taught because they are very profound too. It’s just something of a different nature on how it works on you.
After 1 week running it, looking at the world and surrounding is just changed. The world is a big play and we’re all Unity-God playing our part of creation in creating. So much peace. The unfolding of life is a meditation in itself. There is that pervasive energy that shows it’s just oneness. And this isn’t the most proper description. It goes beyond explanations. I sat by the lake the other day watching wildlife, people, the surroundings. It was just very moving. All one existence unfolding. Experiencing such a description of life happens to me, but there is that pervasive energy that is new in that experience, and it changes everything. This is like taking off sunglasses you’ve worn your whole life and you realize the world is brighter than you thought it is. A totally new experience. I thought I had reached a level of consciousness that gives me a good glimpse of the divine, but nope, that was so little in comparison to what these energies have brought me to. We’ll see how it unfolds.
I wanted to take some weeks before coming back with more feedback because I wanted to explore the actual process of running the energies. I started doing 3-minutes each starting with 3 In 1, then Glory, Ritam Bhara Pragya, and finally 7- minutes with Divine Presence, while keeping all of the previous energies still running when moving on to the next one. Similar to what we did in class, creating some sort of compound effect.
Great experience. Very profound and physical at the same time. They keep me very, very mindful and present, with Divine Presence being the most powerful. I don’t really have a choice. It keeps you very, very present. There is that strong impulse that puts you there. To the minute, corresponding to the duration of the running of each energy. It’s so interesting.
Feeling good during and afterwards. However, I felt some uneasiness too. Not really anxiety or sadness or anger. Just uneasiness and a strange sense of tiredness, but it’s not tiredness. I did mindfulness meditation to analyze what was coming up. There are samskaras and other false beliefs about me and the world that were coming up. A lot of them! Gosh! I didn’t realize I had so many!
So, because it was distracting with social life and work, I’ve experimented with only running Divine Presence on its own or diminishing the duration of running Divine Presence when run with the other energies. It seems the latter works well, so now I run each energy 3 minutes starting with 3 In 1, Glory, Ritam Bhara Pragya, and finally Divine Presence while still running the previous energies on top of the new one. So now it’s more manageable and the uneasiness has stopped. Thank you and Divine Mother so much for teaching these energies!
I’ve been running Divine Presence everyday along with 3 In 1, Glory, and Ritam Bhara Pragya. It’s absolutely amazing. It’s hard to describe and is very different from 3 In 1 or Glory on their own. When Divine Presence is run along with the 3 In 1, Glory, and Ritam Bhara Pragya, I experience mindfulness to a level I rarely reached, very, very, very, present in the moment, and there is a substance that comes with it. I can’t describe it. Very pervasive within and without in a divine way, and it stays after for a while after the meditation even though I’m less mindful / back to normal presence with life and work (for instance, I run the energies this morning and the substance is still present this afternoon).
It’s not making honor to try and describe it, so I will experiment more before trying to give more details. Maybe Divine Presence just on its own, but I’ve been compelled to run the 4 energies together so far. It just feels too good together not to do otherwise somehow. Thank you so much John!
I find using qualified qualifiers, when to run the energies, Divine Mother energies or On the Seraphim Angele energies as well. The qualifiers help set the protection so that you work with them directly. And you run in those energies and you only bring the pure benevolent intent in this work. I’ve never had any issues running Divine Mother energies or the Seraphim grouping energies in that regard. One thing to consider is if you run those energies for someone else, and I found this is explained very well in the documentations you sent to us is to take into account the recipients freewill, and in what way is going to help them on their own journey. And if you’re not too sure about this, you can either leave it out, or I’ve asked for divine mother’s guidance, the Seraphim angels’ guidance in that regard. Something that’s suited they need to account you have your own spirit guides, and they’re here with you all the time. And they really want to help you. So you never on your own doing this work. There’s Divine Mother, you can work with her. There is some thorough Seraphim angels if you work with them. And they’re your guides as well. And so as far as I’m concerned, when it comes to reading those energies using the qualifiers, and, you know, stating, like, pure intention in doing this work, I’ve never had any issues there. Where it may be wise to be more careful is when you start to explore beyond this and to, you know, willing to meet beings, work with them. And yeah, they’re asking for your guides protections, Arch Angels? Sometimes I asked for the Divine mother’s protection as well. This helps when, in one way or another, you’re not equipped to discern what you’re doing and the possible consequences. And so yeah, that’s really what I meant to say, using qualifiers and you know, bringing out the best intent in the work and bring some humility and acknowledging you don’t see or understand our experiential reality for what it is. And you take this into account doing the work. And you ask for human beings and your guys to help you in that work.
2023-05-13 First Divine Presence & Ritam Class
Overlay Attunement for “Three in One”
For me, I felt a lot pulsing, booming vibration, pulsing power. And then after a while, I was just off in all kinds of thoughts and stuff because I think that was clearing out things, some of old junk. I bet they were making room for new energies.
I felt a lot of self-forgiveness. And that kept going until I was feeling more transcendental, as they say.
I was just thinking, this is kind of clearing things out to make ready for us to do Ritam. If I had not taken meditation courses for many years like TM, and Seraphim Blueprint, and all your Divine Mother energies, and cleared so much stuff out. If I hadn’t done all that, then I’d probably have too much stuff there, and maybe I wouldn’t actually be able to do this Ritam.
Overlay Attunement for “Glory”
Beyond bliss, very angelic. I felt like my central channel maybe was getting cleared all the way back to a cosmic I say the cosmic moon and back to guys heart and I feel my heart still. So expanded, just beautiful, the word hallelujah. the sounding in the word is very, very powerful. kept being shown to me. Just didn’t want to come out.
My spirit guide team came in to give me approval of what I was doing. I said, thanks, but you’re a distraction, please leave. And then all of this light came in, a warmth i felt, and it’s like a Sun, which is my interpretation of Divine Source as I’ve seen before. It’s like being outside, closing your eyes and looking at the sun, you feel warmth in your face. And I could feel that spiritual warmth. What could be more glorious than being with Divine Source, the Creator of All That Is?
Primary Attunement for “Ritam Bhara Pragya”
Oh my god. I had to write down a lot of stuff from this. I felt like it was a template coming in, but it wasn’t limited to an energetic template. I kept getting the lower and higher Self is no longer a separation. I felt everything shift, and I feel fuller, like I’ve been saying for the last couple of months. They always say being present now is the only reality. So it’s being present with the Presence. I got being present as the Presence. That’s the difference. And the expansion. This was wonderful. I’ve been waiting a long time for this to happen, and I felt these energy waves go on across my forehead, mostly in gold, it just kept going. Then my third eye, I guess my forehead lit up like the sun. I just feel very different. Going to be heaven on earth here for everybody, eventually.
I could feel it in every one of my cells, or in certain areas, then others. It felt like a rejuvenation treatment, awesome yeah.
That reminds me that at the beginning I did feel a physical sensation in my throat area, the throat chakra of divine truth. And so that was being cleared, and then once that finished, it started on the rest.
Attunement for “Divine Presence”.
That was some purification. I turned into like a fireball, and then a star. And I could feel the heat and then it got tempered, and I was still in it. Very expanded. Then I felt like I was sitting in the middle of the Great Central Sun. I know it sounds wild, expanding. I actually feel my toes. Like they were making me aware that I was still in the body with us, which is quite interesting. I felt feel very different. My eyes shifted, I guess my perceptions of stuff. Oh, yeah, this was awesome. Thank you, a lot.
This energy is very, very peaceful and calming. And I felt a connection to Divine Mother with it, so this presence was really kind of like the presence of Divine Mother I was experiencing. I felt like my hands got very warm here today, and a lot of the energy was there, and then this expansion and this intense peace. I think Divine Mother is more connected to us. So, this presence that we create is kind of a reflection of what Divine Mother thinks we need right now. But it was a different kind of peace. Normally peace is very passive and very calming. But this is very strong, and powerful. So, it’s like we are being empowered to be peaceful, to radiate peace. That’s what I felt with this presence. Because I think that is what we need right now.
I was just so grateful that we all have such a good connection with Her because making such potent, powerful, intense loving blessings come in with such ease and grace. This is quite amazing.
Going back to the beginning for just a moment, Three In One and Glory. There were additional pathways being laid down and I was told it was for what’s coming next. And then with Ritam, those pathways just expanded, expanded, expanded, expanded, way beyond physicality, and they just got fuller and fuller and fuller. Then with Divine Presence, it was quite unifying and supportive of all the rest.
Wow. I mean, that was probably the most powerful of all the activations we’ve ever had. Yeah, I stayed alert, but it really was like, oh, no, this is going to put me to sleep was my feeling because it was just like so intense. so powerful, so transformative. Some might be napping later on. So, that’s really doing a lot. And then the Divine Presence, very peaceful, very calming, like I’m not even thinking, I’m just present. It was really awesome. So even now, it’s hard to talk. I’m sorry. Yeah, that’s about the most words I can come up with right now because I can’t really translate it all into words. Thank you.
Running Three in One, Glory, Ritam Bhara Pragya, and Divine Presence all at the same time to create the Wholeness of Divine Presence.
This is beyond the beyond. I’m surprised I can get words to form. But still the image of when the sky opens up, and the sun coming through, became like an event rising? Something like that, right? A lotus flower came, I was inside a lotus flower, my heart kept just being a heart, but expanding. Then a pearl came. And then I became part of the heartbeat of the Creator. Then that disappeared. I’m laughing right now because my neurological pathways and everything got majorly shifted. And I became everything. I saw I was everything.
Most I saw a lot of gold light. And then I saw the sun, and that was inside a bigger sun, then that was inside bigger Sun. I saw the scene like layers. I think that was representing multiple dimensions. And there was a tremendous amount of power, then I felt sensations around the crown of my head. And I felt like I was being touched and I checked as my spirit guide team was making adjustments, helping me to integrate the energy. Then most of the gold light left, and then I was looking at the belt of the Milky Way Galaxy. I was seeing stars and very peaceful and, and then you brought us back.
One thing I wanted to add is the prominent energy seemed to be Divine Glory, with all the gold light, and the Divine Presence, when you added that, that was more of an integrative energy that seemed to be pulling everything together. But each the four energies added a flavor component to it. But it seemed like Divine Presence was more integrative.
It was just amazing to connect with Divine Mother, so deeply like that. And I’m sitting here viewing all these beautiful flowers in my garden outside and realizing how much heaven on earth I already live, and I just want to harmonize that even more so we can share these energies now with our family and friends, it just keeps radiating out. And then when I work on the world, I just love doing that, and it’s just awesome that we’re taking it to another level. Oh, and I heard part of myself at the beginning say yeah, now that’s what I’m talking about, this is it.
I just wanted to add that I used to be a real space cadet. Recently, I got really grounded and maybe because they’re saying a New Earth is here now. So, I’ve only recently been really anchored in. I mean really for the first time, and I’m an aging baby boomer, I could feel my being in physical presence, and being in a heavenly state. Yes, the different levels of that consciousness. But I really felt that today. And it’s anchoring. I have to say Heaven in the body.
I could see my body getting upgraded to a bluish-white deva body lightly covered with gold sparkles. It seems like Divine Mother is really pushing us to be ready for Heaven on Earth, or something. Very powerful.
All four running concurrently. was so, so, so, profound. And 12 minutes was just a tease. I’m really looking forward to more and more time with this, yes, yes, in the ocean.
It was really grounding. really peaceful, really clearing out all thoughts. So, it’s actually pretty hard to talk.