Ayurvedic Rasayanas Group 4

Group 4 Rasayana energies: for intellect, memory, immunity, digestion, elimination

  1. Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri): Brahmi is known for its cognitive-enhancing properties, and expansion of awareness.  It is often used to improve memory, concentration, and overall brain function. While it’s not considered psychedelic, it may have mild calming or sedative effects.
  2. Shankhapushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) a wonderful brain tonic which aids in improving its ability and capacity and for rejuvenating nervous functions. It   enhances learning, memory, intelligence, concentration and the ability to recall. In traditional medicine, it is used in the treatment of disorders such as hypertension, anxiety, neurosis, stress, insomnia.
  3. Vaca (Acorus calamus), Family-Araceae In an Ayurvedic system, vacha root is used as a nervine tonic and an   anti-stammering   drug.  Experimental studies have shown   that it is a potent psycho-pharmacological agent having a positive effect on the memory and the learning process. Many ancient texts have described ‘vacha’ as an anti-epileptic and anti-hysteric herb. It has diuretic and mildly sedative properties. Ayurvedic texts suggest that it is the premium herb to be used in cases of mental retardation, stupor, syncope and epilepsy.
  4. Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina): is traditionally used in Ayurveda to manage conditions like hypertension and insomnia. anticholinergic, hypotensive, anticontractile, sedative, relaxant, antidiuretic, hypnotic, vasodilator, antiemetic, anti-febrile activity tranquilizing agent, anti-arrhythmic, antifungal and nematocidal. The root of the plant is used in high blood pressure, mental agitation, insomnia and sedative.  It contains alkaloids that have sedative properties and can induce a calming effect.
  5. Mandookparni (Centella asiatica), Family-Umbelliferae CA whole plant extract demonstrated to lessen stress in volunteers, with no side effects like vertigo, nausea, and dizziness.  Signs of anxiety that are commonly connected with panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorder, agoraphobia, and lots of personality disorders.  Ayurvedic texts, Charaka have classified it as ‘medha’ (intellect promoting) or nervine tonic.
  6. Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhizin glabra), Family-Fabaceae.  This suggests that antidepressant-like effect of licorice root extract is mediated by increase of brain norepinephrine and dopamine, but not by increase of serotonin.  Monoamine oxidase inhibiting effect of licorice may be contributing favorably to the antidepressant-like activity. Thus, it is concluded that licorice extract may possess an antidepressant-like effect.
  7. Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Family- Menispermaceae It is regarded as one of the best psychotropic drugs in India. Studies have shown that Giloy helps in cognitive enhancement by immune stimulation and synthesis of acetylcholine. It is contributing in increased choline level which shows that it has memory enhancing property for learning and memory in normal and memory deficits animals.
  8. Jatamanshi (Indian Spikenard-Nardostachys jatamansi), Family-Valerianaceae It helps to promote physical and mental health; it also shows marked tranquillizing activity. Herbal anxiolytes promise to alleviate anxiety and other mental and psychiatric disorders with minimal adverse effects. It has its anxiolytic activity. The roots and the rhizome extracts (ethanolic) and its fraction have been studied for improvement of cognition, antidepressant, anticonvulsant, anti-Parkinson’s, and no tropic activities and neuroprotective activities.  Difficult to get the herb imported.
  9. Parasika yavani (Hyoscyamus Niger), Family-Solanaceae Hyoscyamus is largely   prescribed in mental disorders, epileptic mania, and chronic dementia with   insomnia, paralysis, agates, convulsions, neuralgia, spasmodic cough and asthma.
  10. Kushmand (Benincasa hispida), Family-Cucurbiteaceae exerted anxiolytic activity comparable to lorazepam, BM extract did not induce amnesia; side effects associated with lorazepam, but as a replacement and it had a memory-boosting effect. It demonstrates noteworthy antidepressant activity.

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